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Security, Safety, Health And Environment

Safety in operations, materials, men and the environment is vigorously pursued by the
management, supervisors and all employees in all undertakings.
MIDLAND management accepts totally its legal, human and societal obligations as
conferred on it, as an employer of labour. Therefor every necessary step is taken to
safeguard all who work for, and by us, including third parties; who may not be
immediately connected with our operations.
Our obligations are not hampered by cost considerations for we believe that the only way
to efficient operations is through safe operations. All supervisory cadres are accountable
for the safety behaviour of staff under their charge.

​Training of subordinate staff is the duty of supervisors while management gives the
necessary back up for effective leverage. At MIDLAND, it is the duty of all employees to
positively influence the safety behaviour of their colleagues. In this regard every one of
us owes it as a duty to ensure that safety and health of all is not jeopardized through acts
of omission or commission.

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